Indiana Dollars for Scholars Chapter of the Year 2010  Winner                             Concord Dollars for Scholars

Concord Dollars for Scholars is located in the heart of Elkhart County, Indiana. The county was hit hard by the recession; in 2009, the local unemployment rate was nearly 20 percent. Thanks to their active board and innovative programs, though, the chapter was still able to give scholarships to every eligible applicant.

The chapter's annual fundraising focus is on their phone-a-thon, where students reach out to the community; they also raise money via corporate and teacher donations. To make up for the shortfalls presented by the difficult economy, the board redoubled their efforts-they recruited an event/creative planner to a board position, and hosted their first summer golf outing last year, as well as partnering with a local department store to sell coupon books.

Concord Dollars for Scholars recognizes their major donors, their scholarship winners and their families at every opportunity; thanks to their high profile and adaptability, they have weathered the storm of recession and kept helping students all along.






Indiana Dollars for Scholars Outstanding Fundraising Award 2011 Winner          Concord Dollars for Scholars 

Concord Dollars for Scholars was recognized by Indiana Dollars for Scholars and was awarded the 2011 Outstanding Fundraising Award .  Our philosophy is to give as many students a scholarship as possible rather than give a larger award to a select few.  And despite a severe recession that has hit hard in our community over the past few years, the Concord Dollars for Scholars Board  has been able to award a scholarship to every student who has applied and met their obligations through the fundraising efforts of the students and the board , thanks to the generosity of our Concord Community.






July 2012 - Concord Dollars for Scholars Annual Golf Outing

The 4th Larry Jackowiak Memorial Golf Outing was sponsored by Concord Dollars for Scholars. In July, 133 golfers came together with 24 community businesses that sponsored holes, and another 21companies that sponsored teams. Mr. Jackowiak touched many lives at  Concord Community Schools before suffering a fatal heart attack in 2009.  He was a teacher, coach, athletic director, Assistant Superintendent for Business, and a dedicated advocate of public education.  Even in the economic downturn, the Elkhart community continues to support and rally behind this special outing.  This annual golf event has raised ninety-nine $500 scholarships for Concord seniors continuing their education.